One of the things that indicates the corruption of our society is the increasing popular junk "music". The Black music or "rappers music" that is a sure sign of our decay.
I hear it every where and it is very disturbing to my ears. The Boom Boxes that are running at full blast that can be heard long distances. (One revenge and pay back is that it has been proven to be damaging to the ears over time) The popularity of this corruption of the word "music" and our ears is just another sign of our impending break up and disintegration as a civilized society. If you listen closely you will hear chants and rages against the white race, how to get "white chicks" and other more filthy things.
What has happened to the appreciation of the good music. The classical music of the ages. This kind of music has been in favor for hundreds of years and it still is to the cultured society. The junk "music" of today will fad into oblivion and there will not be any memory of it!