Ronald Regan: A great president and a great man, and not a bad actor either. It is too bad that we can't resurrect him to run in 2012. The next best choice today is Ron Paul. We need a crusty, honest mature man who would not be afraid to do what is right and
necessary to save our country and I think Milt Romney may be the answer. Whoever it turns out to be he damn well better be tough enough to pin Obama's ears back by honest rhetoric that even silver tongued Obama can not refute! I would suggest that you make a donation to the Republican National Committee, the RNC, to help defeat Obama in 2012. Vote for the Republican candidate of your choice, but vote for the man you think is the right choice to lead the country out of the mess Obama and the Democrats have gotten us into.
necessary to save our country and I think Milt Romney may be the answer. Whoever it turns out to be he damn well better be tough enough to pin Obama's ears back by honest rhetoric that even silver tongued Obama can not refute! I would suggest that you make a donation to the Republican National Committee, the RNC, to help defeat Obama in 2012. Vote for the Republican candidate of your choice, but vote for the man you think is the right choice to lead the country out of the mess Obama and the Democrats have gotten us into.