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Yes, the so called "Gay Revolution".
What does the so called "Gay revolution" or "coming out of the closet" expressions mean? It means that now they, the openly "Gay"perverts, feel they can, without impunity, stick it in our faces and that with the so called "new" old laws that are strictly enforced against all forms of Discrimination including saying the "Q" word or the "N" word. So now it is their legal right to be a deviate, that is a true "Gay" person.
They feel that they can openly flaunt their deviate life style in our faces. Being Gay is to be a deviate, a homosexual, an unnatural person, disgusting and dirty. The very acts that these people preform on each other is disgusting, dirty and unnatural. The great expose of the pedophile Catholic Priests that has caused millions and millions of dollars of law suits is totally disgusting. How can anybody let their child be alone with them? Now we see that the coaches, teachers and other pedophiles that we trusted our children to are being found out in greater and greater numbers.
What has happened to the human race? Why aren't these low life beings struck down and punished by the decent people that are left in this world? Yes, take a good look at this pictures below. Does this seem normal to you? Well, this picture is certainly not normal is it? They are brazenly sticking it in our faces constantly. They seem to be every where on the TV, the movies, in our government, in our schools, in our military and in our teachers. Always there saying it isn't so bad just another life style, just a third sex that's all. Even our very liberal college teachers and professors are saying and teaching that they have the right to live the way they want to, probably because there are a lot homosexuals among the college professors. Where do you think the students are getting their very aberrant sexual liberal education, it is in our schools and our Universities.
They even have the right to get married to each other! Really? Even the very thought of that is enough to turn one's stomach. I thought it was only a man and a women that had the legal right to get married to each other. Well, you know it used to be illegal for them to openly engage in this deviate life style or to engage in that kind of lewd behavior. I must be really behind the times. The liberals are teaching their kids to think it is OK, no problem there. No problem! Really no problem there? Really? What do you think? By the way the first description in my dictionary of the word "Gay" means "high spirited, merry, bright colorful, showy", Is that their description? Is that why they don't like the "Q" word or being called homosexuals? "Gay" must sound better to them I guess, but I don't see nothing gay about it. It seems that the normal life style of the normal family is changing, for the worse.
The children are being exposed to this kind of filth in the movies, the TV, the magazines, the schools and in their everyday life everywhere. The "Gay" students as young 12-14 are wanting their "Gay" clubs in school. It doesn't look good for the future of civilization and society, does it? Now I'm going to let you in on a little secret: The "Q" word means queer and the "N" word means nigger. So there! Now you know.

Here is your "Gay Pride" in action.
This is what happens when a Christian, Anita Bryan, is talking about the homosexuals. A practicing queer throws a pie in her face on live TV. A brave woman versus a low life queer, right?