Listen to what this Mexican Raza agitator is saying. If all the illegals don't become "legalized" as Obama promised they they will start a War against the white races. Also listen to the video "Coming to the USA" in the above video.You just got to.

The illegal immigration problems in the USA are real serious problems. It is estimated we probably have 12 to 20 million illegal immigrants, mostly from Mexico and Central America. They are using up our resources and costing us billions. They come and work, send their money back to Mexico to their relatives which is not helping the American economy at all. They will work for less, do dirty jobs that used to nobody here wanted, but with the economy being what it is that no longer is the case. People out of work for a long time and unable to find the work they want will in desperation try almost anything. Our schools are inundated with the children of illegal immigrants.
Our hospitals are going bankrupt with the added cost of treating illegal immigrants. The criminals are coming in great numbers and committing crimes since there is more lucrative opportunities here than in Mexico. The drug gangs and cartels are making billions off our addicted drug users who will add to the crime by committing crimes to get the drug money they so desperately need. The problems are real and are hurting the USA greatly. Even our young students who need to work part time to further their education and for the added expenses of paying for tuition and other costs are having trouble finding jobs because the illegals are taking them at less money. Our prisons are filling up with the influx of foreign inmates. Near our borders on our side the hospitals are getting more and more pregnant Mexican women who take advantage of our Constitution that guarantees that any child born in the USA is automatically a US citizen. They wait until they are almost ready to deliver and then throw themselves at the mercy of the nearest US hospital and bingo they deliver a genuine US citizen with all the rights. Nothing to it at all. Happens all the time.
The demographics of our country is changing rapidly. Soon it will no longer be recognized as it once was. Soon when the Hispanics, blacks and other so called minorities will have control by their voting power. The tables will be turned and the white race will be the minority. (May be we already are!) This is inevitable and it is too late to do anything about it. This great country established by white western Europeans will no longer exist. "Asta la vista El gringos" Viva la Mexico!" Get ready to sing the Mexican National Anthem!
The state I live in isn't named New Mexico for nothing! It is the most friendly illegal immigrant state in the whole of the USA! We like our illegals. We give them driver's licenses and we even let them have our jobs. There's nothing we won't do for our illegals! New Mexico is governed and run by Mexicans. They say, "Amigos Mexicanos come here and we will treat you right!"
Take a good look at some of these web sites.
The issue of the problems of the illegal immigration to the USA is a very serious and growing problem and our Muslim president wants to make it even worse by making all the illegals LEGAL by executive order, by the stroke of his pen. He can do it! We must vote him out of office in 2012 before he does it! If he is elected he will say this is a mandate by the American people to do it!
If you don't believe all this and do nothing than you deserve what you will surely get! "Asta la vista and adios!" Obama out in 2012!
"Adios Gringos. Muy pronto nos tendra sobre su empleo y su vida!"
Gringo bueno No entiendo?
Our hospitals are going bankrupt with the added cost of treating illegal immigrants. The criminals are coming in great numbers and committing crimes since there is more lucrative opportunities here than in Mexico. The drug gangs and cartels are making billions off our addicted drug users who will add to the crime by committing crimes to get the drug money they so desperately need. The problems are real and are hurting the USA greatly. Even our young students who need to work part time to further their education and for the added expenses of paying for tuition and other costs are having trouble finding jobs because the illegals are taking them at less money. Our prisons are filling up with the influx of foreign inmates. Near our borders on our side the hospitals are getting more and more pregnant Mexican women who take advantage of our Constitution that guarantees that any child born in the USA is automatically a US citizen. They wait until they are almost ready to deliver and then throw themselves at the mercy of the nearest US hospital and bingo they deliver a genuine US citizen with all the rights. Nothing to it at all. Happens all the time.
The demographics of our country is changing rapidly. Soon it will no longer be recognized as it once was. Soon when the Hispanics, blacks and other so called minorities will have control by their voting power. The tables will be turned and the white race will be the minority. (May be we already are!) This is inevitable and it is too late to do anything about it. This great country established by white western Europeans will no longer exist. "Asta la vista El gringos" Viva la Mexico!" Get ready to sing the Mexican National Anthem!
The state I live in isn't named New Mexico for nothing! It is the most friendly illegal immigrant state in the whole of the USA! We like our illegals. We give them driver's licenses and we even let them have our jobs. There's nothing we won't do for our illegals! New Mexico is governed and run by Mexicans. They say, "Amigos Mexicanos come here and we will treat you right!"
Take a good look at some of these web sites.
The issue of the problems of the illegal immigration to the USA is a very serious and growing problem and our Muslim president wants to make it even worse by making all the illegals LEGAL by executive order, by the stroke of his pen. He can do it! We must vote him out of office in 2012 before he does it! If he is elected he will say this is a mandate by the American people to do it!
If you don't believe all this and do nothing than you deserve what you will surely get! "Asta la vista and adios!" Obama out in 2012!
"Adios Gringos. Muy pronto nos tendra sobre su empleo y su vida!"
Gringo bueno No entiendo?
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