Yes. Here is another issue about Obama, he is queer! Do you want a queer for president?

The Republicans are too afraid to tackle the real issues with Obama. There is so much evidence about the real Obama that they could use against him. I suppose it is because they are afraid and have no guts and would be immediately called racists and other more frighting names such as unAmerican, bigots or worse. Well, what is worse to than to have Obama re-elected? Which would be the end of the USA as we know it or being called these "terrible names". The bleeding heart liberals would cry foul to the high heavens!
Obama is an avowed practicing Muslim. He may not even be a US citizen. His masters are the ones really controlling his actions. One theory, widely believed by some, is that he was picked, chosen, financed, trained and controlled to do what he has been doing very well and that is the down fall of the USA. There is so much evidence of his real intentions that it is hard to believe that they not be true. He is using the Constitution as his main tool. Just like our enemies the Taliban and Al-Qeuda are using it against us. Goebbels, the Nazi propaganda minster, knew all too well that if you tell the same lies often enough people will believe them. Conversely if you tell the same truths too often then people may not believe you and will start believing the lies. I think that may be happening.
Some people just don't believe any of the truths about Obama the Muslim. I think they don't want to believe. Their minds are made up and they don't want to be disappointed. The truth would just be to much for them to handle. (I am talking about the bleeding heart liberals). Of course the blacks, the illegal immigrants and the other so called minorities could care less about the lies or the truths. All they care about is "give me" "give me" more free stuff, free money and when is Obama going to make us all legal so we can get the free money and free stuff too.
Obama is an avowed practicing Muslim. He may not even be a US citizen. His masters are the ones really controlling his actions. One theory, widely believed by some, is that he was picked, chosen, financed, trained and controlled to do what he has been doing very well and that is the down fall of the USA. There is so much evidence of his real intentions that it is hard to believe that they not be true. He is using the Constitution as his main tool. Just like our enemies the Taliban and Al-Qeuda are using it against us. Goebbels, the Nazi propaganda minster, knew all too well that if you tell the same lies often enough people will believe them. Conversely if you tell the same truths too often then people may not believe you and will start believing the lies. I think that may be happening.
Some people just don't believe any of the truths about Obama the Muslim. I think they don't want to believe. Their minds are made up and they don't want to be disappointed. The truth would just be to much for them to handle. (I am talking about the bleeding heart liberals). Of course the blacks, the illegal immigrants and the other so called minorities could care less about the lies or the truths. All they care about is "give me" "give me" more free stuff, free money and when is Obama going to make us all legal so we can get the free money and free stuff too.