Doctors and lawyers, they are not what they used to be! When I was young our family doctor, an old kindly man, would come any time day or night to administer to us. You could call him up anytime and he would come. Try it with your doctor today. Unless you are his wife or a relative you will get the recording which says in uncaring tones, "If this is an emergency call 911." (and don't bother us!)
A ordinary primary care medical doctor today earns more than a $100,000 per year. A highly trained specialist could earn close to a million. I think that most people who want to be a doctor do it for several reasons, namely the money and the prestige and just may be to help mankind, really help mankind? (or you kidding? Just give me the money honey.)
The nurses have told me that the doctor is the worse patient when he is sick. I guess that is because he KNOWS what the score is, but we need them and where would we be without them? When you are sick they are all you can hope for. There is really nothing else and for that reason alone they got you! If you can find a honest and caring doctor, hang on to him! They are getting more rare as time goes on!
I called my lawyer up one day to more or less have a causal conversation and also to ask about a trivial legal question. I got a bill for $70.00, 7 dollars a minute. After all, a lawyer's time is valuable even when they are sitting with their feet on the desk cleaning their finger nails. No more causal calls! I was told later that the price was cheap at that. Lawyers, they say make the best crooks. I guess that is because they know how to do it without getting caught. May be that is why there are so many in congress. They know where the easy money is. After all they are the trained and the educated in the law, the specialists.
All I can say from my own experience is that they are not much better than used car salesmen in the way they do business. It could be that is why they make such good crooked Congressmen. However, unfortunately from time to time we need them and from time to time some of the worse are actually caught and punished. Do you believe it? No? After all, Obama was trained as a lawyer and his specialty was Constitutional Law. How does that grab you? Do you see the connection? Think about it.
Obama, being trained in American Constitutional law knows what he can do and what he can't do. However, in spite of that, he is going against the Constitution in many ways. He is getting more bolder all the time as he finds what he can get away with. One way is that he is not a native born citizen of the United States! Only a native born American citizen can be elected the president of the United States according to our constitution. That alone is enough to impeach him and throw him into a federal prison! However, Obama is not worried. he knows that the American people will take a lot before they even start thinking too seriously about it. (When they start thinking then it it will be too late!) He is usurping the constitution of the USA. The Obama Care is just one example. The appointments and swearing in of his cronies to high government positions without congressional approval is another example. There are many more.
So how did he fool the American people? His own family and friends in Indonesia say he was born a Kenya citizen. So how was the cover up accomplished? That is the question! There has to be some mighty under cover innocuous and devilish conniving going on in high places, namely in the State of Hiawiya about Obama's birth certificate.
Here is the dark mystery that we can't seem to uncover completely. This is because there are powerful forces protecting the cover up that will stop at nothing to keep it that way until it is no longer necessary.