OK. Here it is! Obama is a queer, smoked pot and snorted cocaine as well as other drugs. This was known before his election as president, but not by enough people, the right kind of people. The many people who did know it didn't seem to matter. His queer activity is well known among his intimate friends. He has been trying to hide this by using any means at his disposal, even the power of the presidential office, but to no avail. Its out there for all to see who want to see. So do you want a queer for president? Does it make any difference to you? Does morality make any difference? Do you think that our president should have a higher moral standard for an example of our children to look up to? Or does this mean any thing today? Well, I say it does! Our morality today is being dragged to the dung heap. Is moral perfidy becoming an example for our children, I hope not!
As for Obama being a Muslim, there is nothing in our Constitution about the requirement of religion. In fact there is a very clear statement in the Constitution of separation between the state and the people, freedom of religion. However, when you compare what the Christian faith says about their religion versus what the Islamic Muslin religion says about theirs, then you will see what the difference really is. Their Koran, their "bible" clearly states that if the infidel, meaning us, does not convert then he shall be destroyed. Enough said! You be the judge.
This was before and during Obama's bid for a Senator's election in Chicago for the state of Illinois.The tabloids The National Enquirer and The Globe have been investigating Obama's alleged homosexual adventures and drug use for some time. A private investigator who works with the Chicago Police Department allegedly told the tabloid The Globe that Donald Young was silenced because of something he knew about Obama.
As we know, despite the outlandish tales sometimes spun by these publications, quite often they are spot-on as regards the lives of people in the spotlight. A prime example is the case of Sen. John Edwards' love child. If the tabloids know anything, however, they are clearly biding their time. As they may be others...
This at the time of the last two weeks before the election the Obama dirty trick campaiin is now starting because Obama is starting to see the result of his 4 years in office. DO YOU WANT THIS TYPE OF PERSON AS YOUR PRESIDENT FOR THE NEXT TWO YEARS? I don't. As for as Obama's dirty tricks he will be using in desparation two can play this game. The big difference is that the truth can not be considered as dirty tricks. Only out right lies and distortions can be considered as dirty tricks and Obama and his gang will use them all.
My last word today: "If you voted for Obama in 2008 to prove you were not a racist, then vote against him in 2012 to prove you are not an idiot!"
Well, it comes down to just a simple comparison:
What we have here is two very nice guys and against two very bad guys, Romney and Ryan against Obama and Biden. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to come to that obvious conclusion, and I think most people can.
What seems so obvious to many seems completely the other way around to the Obama committed; the bleeding heart liberals, the blacks, the Mexicans, the low life idiots who only understand the basic instincts of the free food, the free food stamps, the 99 free unemployment weeks that can go on forever and all the other freebies that seem to keep coming, the reverse discrimination, the Obama actions for same sex marriage and the protection of the deviate life style.
Can you understand the difference? if you can't them you are one of the lost souls.
I want to urge you all to read the interview with Romney in the current issue of Reader's Digest, page 180 in the November 2012 issue.
No one who understands Romney could but think that he is a good, sincere and honest man who believes in his country , family and what is right.
Some quotes:
"If I am fortunate to become your president I will serve no one group, no one cause, and no one interest. A president must serve only the common cause of the people of the United States."
"He is deeply generous with both is time and his money when people need a lift. It seems that everyone who has known him has a tale of his altruism, whether it's quietly funding a charitable cause or helping to build a play ground to honor the late son of a friend or neighbor." Harper Collins From the real Romney
"Mr. Romney is quick to uphold rules great and small. During the primary debates, when his rivals spoke out of turn or exceeded their alloted time, he would sometimes lecture them. When supporters ask Mr. Romney to sign dollar bills or the American Flags, he refuses and often gives them a little lesson about why doing so so is against the law." New York Times May 19, 2012
He was also the consummate gentleman when during the presidential debates with Obama he would invariably be the gentleman that is and not go after Obama for his interruption and speaking during his time against him. So you see who is the cultured person compared to Obama. You can see the difference in dignity and grace between the two men and their wives. In short the over-all difference should be obvious to anybody. My thoughts. So who do you want to be the next president, Romney or Obama? It is your choice and your future and the countries future depends on you choice. The choice you make will be the choice you have to live or die with!
As for Obama being a Muslim, there is nothing in our Constitution about the requirement of religion. In fact there is a very clear statement in the Constitution of separation between the state and the people, freedom of religion. However, when you compare what the Christian faith says about their religion versus what the Islamic Muslin religion says about theirs, then you will see what the difference really is. Their Koran, their "bible" clearly states that if the infidel, meaning us, does not convert then he shall be destroyed. Enough said! You be the judge.
This was before and during Obama's bid for a Senator's election in Chicago for the state of Illinois.The tabloids The National Enquirer and The Globe have been investigating Obama's alleged homosexual adventures and drug use for some time. A private investigator who works with the Chicago Police Department allegedly told the tabloid The Globe that Donald Young was silenced because of something he knew about Obama.
As we know, despite the outlandish tales sometimes spun by these publications, quite often they are spot-on as regards the lives of people in the spotlight. A prime example is the case of Sen. John Edwards' love child. If the tabloids know anything, however, they are clearly biding their time. As they may be others...
This at the time of the last two weeks before the election the Obama dirty trick campaiin is now starting because Obama is starting to see the result of his 4 years in office. DO YOU WANT THIS TYPE OF PERSON AS YOUR PRESIDENT FOR THE NEXT TWO YEARS? I don't. As for as Obama's dirty tricks he will be using in desparation two can play this game. The big difference is that the truth can not be considered as dirty tricks. Only out right lies and distortions can be considered as dirty tricks and Obama and his gang will use them all.
My last word today: "If you voted for Obama in 2008 to prove you were not a racist, then vote against him in 2012 to prove you are not an idiot!"
Well, it comes down to just a simple comparison:
What we have here is two very nice guys and against two very bad guys, Romney and Ryan against Obama and Biden. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to come to that obvious conclusion, and I think most people can.
What seems so obvious to many seems completely the other way around to the Obama committed; the bleeding heart liberals, the blacks, the Mexicans, the low life idiots who only understand the basic instincts of the free food, the free food stamps, the 99 free unemployment weeks that can go on forever and all the other freebies that seem to keep coming, the reverse discrimination, the Obama actions for same sex marriage and the protection of the deviate life style.
Can you understand the difference? if you can't them you are one of the lost souls.
I want to urge you all to read the interview with Romney in the current issue of Reader's Digest, page 180 in the November 2012 issue.
No one who understands Romney could but think that he is a good, sincere and honest man who believes in his country , family and what is right.
Some quotes:
"If I am fortunate to become your president I will serve no one group, no one cause, and no one interest. A president must serve only the common cause of the people of the United States."
"He is deeply generous with both is time and his money when people need a lift. It seems that everyone who has known him has a tale of his altruism, whether it's quietly funding a charitable cause or helping to build a play ground to honor the late son of a friend or neighbor." Harper Collins From the real Romney
"Mr. Romney is quick to uphold rules great and small. During the primary debates, when his rivals spoke out of turn or exceeded their alloted time, he would sometimes lecture them. When supporters ask Mr. Romney to sign dollar bills or the American Flags, he refuses and often gives them a little lesson about why doing so so is against the law." New York Times May 19, 2012
He was also the consummate gentleman when during the presidential debates with Obama he would invariably be the gentleman that is and not go after Obama for his interruption and speaking during his time against him. So you see who is the cultured person compared to Obama. You can see the difference in dignity and grace between the two men and their wives. In short the over-all difference should be obvious to anybody. My thoughts. So who do you want to be the next president, Romney or Obama? It is your choice and your future and the countries future depends on you choice. The choice you make will be the choice you have to live or die with!
Here is my opinion on the last Presidential debate.
The debate was good. The handicap Romney faces is he just doesn't had the same power of oratory that Obama has. It is called the power of bull shit. However, no BS will ever hide the facts or the lies and distortions of the truth. i say again Romney is too nice a guy when it comes to a toe to toe debate with Obama. That doesn't make Romney the lessor of he two, it just demonstrates who is the most sincere and who is the better person, who is the lair and who is the sayer of the truth.
If you really paid attention you will see that Obama was very nibble in the way he dodged Romney's attacks that were true and they hurt. Obama has that ability to lie and a lot of people will believe him, the people who want to believe him even they know that he is the worse of the two by far. He can stretch the truth until it breaks, but the truth is the truth and no amount of skilled oratory by Obama will change that. The facts are the facts and no amount of evasion or the power of the BS will change it.
So we will find out on the November the 6th what our fate will be. Another 4 years of Obamism that we may not survive or a new beginning with a good and honest man like Romney.
I think that in spite of the fact that Obama ignored most of the real questions posed by Romney does not mean they were answered. Hot air and bull shit does not answer a legitimate question! Romney has made some boobs, but Obama is a lost duck. His power of the auditory will not change his lie cover ups.
That is what all dictators have tried to do and it hasn't worked yet. The truth will out! Obama would like to to turn the country into a controlled country like Chavez has done in Venezuela, Castro has done in Cuba. What the Chinese and the North Koreans have done, but it is not going to work in the USA! Obama thinks his power of BS will do it, but it won't! You can't tell a lie to cover up another lie. It don't work!This is the beginning of the end for Obama and the beginning of the new beginning for this country! He brags on saving GM with billions in hand outs, but he failed to mention that GM is going to build 10 plants in China! Creating jobs, yes for the Chinese!
October 22, 2012 will be the last debate. Romney better come out swinging because Obama will be launching his dirty tricks tonight. He will be smirking and laughing like a jack ass as he admires the way Biden performed with Ryan. It takes one jack ass to know another one. Romney better be tough tonight. He can't be the nice guy. When you are up against someone like Obama the niceties have to be replaced by the realities of debating Obama who never was the nice guy.
21 days until my wall goes down and 21 days until my website goes down regardless of the election out come. So you have only that time to see the truth about Obama and while your at it to enjoy some good music, good humor and some of my opinions about a lot of things. Here is my website:
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The debate was good. The handicap Romney faces is he just doesn't had the same power of oratory that Obama has. It is called the power of bull shit. However, no BS will ever hide the facts or the lies and distortions of the truth. i say again Romney is too nice a guy when it comes to a toe to toe debate with Obama. That doesn't make Romney the lessor of he two, it just demonstrates who is the most sincere and who is the better person, who is the lair and who is the sayer of the truth.
If you really paid attention you will see that Obama was very nibble in the way he dodged Romney's attacks that were true and they hurt. Obama has that ability to lie and a lot of people will believe him, the people who want to believe him even they know that he is the worse of the two by far. He can stretch the truth until it breaks, but the truth is the truth and no amount of skilled oratory by Obama will change that. The facts are the facts and no amount of evasion or the power of the BS will change it.
So we will find out on the November the 6th what our fate will be. Another 4 years of Obamism that we may not survive or a new beginning with a good and honest man like Romney.
I think that in spite of the fact that Obama ignored most of the real questions posed by Romney does not mean they were answered. Hot air and bull shit does not answer a legitimate question! Romney has made some boobs, but Obama is a lost duck. His power of the auditory will not change his lie cover ups.
That is what all dictators have tried to do and it hasn't worked yet. The truth will out! Obama would like to to turn the country into a controlled country like Chavez has done in Venezuela, Castro has done in Cuba. What the Chinese and the North Koreans have done, but it is not going to work in the USA! Obama thinks his power of BS will do it, but it won't! You can't tell a lie to cover up another lie. It don't work!This is the beginning of the end for Obama and the beginning of the new beginning for this country! He brags on saving GM with billions in hand outs, but he failed to mention that GM is going to build 10 plants in China! Creating jobs, yes for the Chinese!
October 22, 2012 will be the last debate. Romney better come out swinging because Obama will be launching his dirty tricks tonight. He will be smirking and laughing like a jack ass as he admires the way Biden performed with Ryan. It takes one jack ass to know another one. Romney better be tough tonight. He can't be the nice guy. When you are up against someone like Obama the niceties have to be replaced by the realities of debating Obama who never was the nice guy.
21 days until my wall goes down and 21 days until my website goes down regardless of the election out come. So you have only that time to see the truth about Obama and while your at it to enjoy some good music, good humor and some of my opinions about a lot of things. Here is my website:
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People (4)tanya389@frontier.com
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Michelle looks like she's about to loser her billion dollar vacations and Obama looks scared of her oncoming wrath. This was happening during the debate and she could not hide her feeling that "Barry" blew it!
You could tell from the way she pawed at and tried to cling to Barry (what she calls Obama) immediately after the debate that she fully realized Barry had failed. She couldn't even force herself to put on a middling happy face for the cameras. She knew at that point that her goose was going into the oven and would be properly cooked in due time. She's ticked at Barry and resentful of the rest of us for the fact that she's no longer guaranteed four more years of plush extravagance at tax payer expense.
She knows that "getting the rich to pay their fair share" by squandering the tax money they've paid on herself is coming to a close and she doesn't like that even one little bit. She will loose her 22 personal staff costing millions. No first lady has ever spent what she spends on herself. Obama's personal out go at government expense including his wife's run into the billions. FDR's wife had only one staff member and he paid for that!
What she thinks now after this debate was written in large, bold letters on her countenance, as easy to see as to read a book. The plush easy spend life will soon be at a end and she surely doesn't like it. The scow on her face was there for all to see and she neither had the poise, skill or otherwise to contain it.
You could tell from the way she pawed at and tried to cling to Barry (what she calls Obama) immediately after the debate that she fully realized Barry had failed. She couldn't even force herself to put on a middling happy face for the cameras. She knew at that point that her goose was going into the oven and would be properly cooked in due time. She's ticked at Barry and resentful of the rest of us for the fact that she's no longer guaranteed four more years of plush extravagance at tax payer expense.
She knows that "getting the rich to pay their fair share" by squandering the tax money they've paid on herself is coming to a close and she doesn't like that even one little bit. She will loose her 22 personal staff costing millions. No first lady has ever spent what she spends on herself. Obama's personal out go at government expense including his wife's run into the billions. FDR's wife had only one staff member and he paid for that!
What she thinks now after this debate was written in large, bold letters on her countenance, as easy to see as to read a book. The plush easy spend life will soon be at a end and she surely doesn't like it. The scow on her face was there for all to see and she neither had the poise, skill or otherwise to contain it.
Just check out the latest prediction on the start of Armageddon and World War 3.
$1.2 Billion given to black farmers.
This is kind of an old story but it kind of slipped under the radar and I am bringing the issue back to life.
Dept. of Agriculture
Through the Department of Agriculture, President Obama's administration authorized the use of $1.2 Billion of our tax money to go to black farmers as payback for years (decades) of discrimination. (Fox News, Nov 2010)
Affirmative Action
The Agriculture Department said that this was necessary in "addressing an unfortunate chapter in USDA's civil rights history."
Judge Approved This
In October 2011, a judge gave the government approval. (Huffington Post)
"This agreement will provide overdue relief and justice to African American farmers, and bring us closer to the ideals of freedom and equality that this country was founded on," Obama said in a statement.
Bypassing Congress
Obama is bypassing congress through the Departments so that he can enact policy and spend money. It is a power grab. Not only that, the judge that approved this allowed for reverse discrimination -- money given to people of only one ethnic background.
This is how Obama thinks he is going to be re-elected by giving our money to the blacks and the Mexicans. This not the first time. He is giving the illegals Food Stamps, free medical, removing the threat of deportation that is required under our laws. Well, unfortunately it just might work. The real patriots and hard working middle class of the US is fast becoming a minority. In fact the country as a whole under Obama is going down the tubes fast. The unions who just love Obama because he has promised them the moon will vote for Obama amass. They as well as millions of people have been fooled by Obama and his gang and if he wins re-elected just bend over and kiss your ass good Bye, that is all the white folks.
Comment Read more at http://www.reagancoalition.com/articles/2012/20120204001-billion-to-farmers.html#HOdThGwA1jqmrFmr.99
The way I see it.
Well it looks like Romney really kicked ass in the debate. I just hope he can keep it up. The next one will be a real toe to toe battle I predict. Obama is now getting just a little bit rattled so nothing will be barred and all inside rabbit punches will be enabled and the next debate should be good one. The verbal punches should rapid and forth coming. Some real good sparing I hope
l real problem I see is if Romney looses his nerve. He has to stand up and go toe to toe in a face to face battle with Obama. Romney nature is not to be mean and tough unlike Obama. I don't like the expression on Romney's face after hitting Obama with a good verbal punch as if he really doesn't like to be mean, but he has too. Romney is a good guy. He is a nice guy. He is just a little too damned nice. Where as Obama has no trouble being what he is, a tough, lying, crooked jackass that will stop at nothing to win!
Obama's goal is to destroy our country. Make it so weak that we will be vulnerable to an attack by our enemies and more terrorist attacks, more situations as in Arizona and the things going on at the border. More attacks against our embassies , more pandering to the illegals such as giving them our food stamps and other freebies while our own people go hungry and without jobs. Also the do nothing congress is going to make same sex marriage by the queers as the law of the land. Folks our country is in deep trouble and the only out is to defeat Obama. This is it! The last major battle before Armageddon! Our last chance to defeat the Devil incarnate. Our last chance before Civil War 2! Don't blow it!
Please people out vote Obama on November the 6th!!
The Latest
Well, the first Presidential debate has come and past. Obama got his ears pinned back by the better prepared challenger, Milt Romney who did a very good job of showing Obama as the lair that he is. The election will become very interesting if Romney can keep his momenton and stay the course. As I have said before Romney is just too nice a guy for the tough and dirty politics of Obama and his gang of cut throats. He will have to toughen up to stand up against the Obama gang who will use whatever tatics they can whether the tactics are lies and unsustainable promises to the hanger's on who will suck us dryusing the power of the presidential office in unconstitutional ways Obama is pandering to the blood suckers of this nation, The latest is that Obama has made a video calling on all the blacks to support him using "Black History Month" to add weight to his plead. If this isn't reverse racism what is? I ask you if Romney made a like video and said, "This is the White History Month and all you white crackers have to vote for me."
This would of course cause be a great uproar and the call of Racism would be yelled from from one end of the country to the other. However, if Obama and his black supporters do it, it is OK. Obama's preacher said, "Not God Bless America, God Damn America!" It seems we have two different view points don't we? If this election is not a situation of the Blacks and the bleeding heart liberals against the white people of the USA then what is it?
A reality check
It seems that PBS of all the news TV media stations are the only one who reports on our slain soldiers in Afghanistan and Irac. They list the men, their rank, age and branch of service and their home town. Tonight there were 9 more heroes who died in my opinion for nothing. However, they serve and they die for the enemies who hate us, shoot our men in the back as we try to help and train them to protect themselves against their own kind. We give them money, support and we don't say anything bad about them or we will hear about it in the news media as racism. And if our men get shot in the back by "our friends" what does our president Obama do, he apologizes!
There has been thousands of our men killed and more thousands horribly wounded. There has and still is many that have had their minds wounded as well and may suffer from this for ever.
I say first get our men out of there. Quit giving them our money that we borrow from China. Tell our soldiers to shoot first and ask questions later at any overt action against us. Take away their arms and weapons. And to repeat get the hell out of there!
Finally remove Obama by voting him out of office on November the 6th 2012! Romney has said, "I want to develop our military so strong that no nation will ever attempt to attack us." The president we have now is just doing the opposite, he is weaking our military, bankrupting the country and promising everything to get himself elected that can not be sustainable.
$1.2 Billion given to black farmers.
This is kind of an old story but it kind of slipped under the radar and I am bringing the issue back to life.
Dept. of Agriculture
Through the Department of Agriculture, President Obama's administration authorized the use of $1.2 Billion of our tax money to go to black farmers as payback for years (decades) of discrimination. (Fox News, Nov 2010)
Affirmative Action
The Agriculture Department said that this was necessary in "addressing an unfortunate chapter in USDA's civil rights history."
Judge Approved This
In October 2011, a judge gave the government approval. (Huffington Post)
"This agreement will provide overdue relief and justice to African American farmers, and bring us closer to the ideals of freedom and equality that this country was founded on," Obama said in a statement.
Bypassing Congress
Obama is bypassing congress through the Departments so that he can enact policy and spend money. It is a power grab. Not only that, the judge that approved this allowed for reverse discrimination -- money given to people of only one ethnic background.
This is how Obama thinks he is going to be re-elected by giving our money to the blacks and the Mexicans. This not the first time. He is giving the illegals Food Stamps, free medical, removing the threat of deportation that is required under our laws. Well, unfortunately it just might work. The real patriots and hard working middle class of the US is fast becoming a minority. In fact the country as a whole under Obama is going down the tubes fast. The unions who just love Obama because he has promised them the moon will vote for Obama amass. They as well as millions of people have been fooled by Obama and his gang and if he wins re-elected just bend over and kiss your ass good Bye, that is all the white folks.
Comment Read more at http://www.reagancoalition.com/articles/2012/20120204001-billion-to-farmers.html#HOdThGwA1jqmrFmr.99
The way I see it.
Well it looks like Romney really kicked ass in the debate. I just hope he can keep it up. The next one will be a real toe to toe battle I predict. Obama is now getting just a little bit rattled so nothing will be barred and all inside rabbit punches will be enabled and the next debate should be good one. The verbal punches should rapid and forth coming. Some real good sparing I hope
l real problem I see is if Romney looses his nerve. He has to stand up and go toe to toe in a face to face battle with Obama. Romney nature is not to be mean and tough unlike Obama. I don't like the expression on Romney's face after hitting Obama with a good verbal punch as if he really doesn't like to be mean, but he has too. Romney is a good guy. He is a nice guy. He is just a little too damned nice. Where as Obama has no trouble being what he is, a tough, lying, crooked jackass that will stop at nothing to win!
Obama's goal is to destroy our country. Make it so weak that we will be vulnerable to an attack by our enemies and more terrorist attacks, more situations as in Arizona and the things going on at the border. More attacks against our embassies , more pandering to the illegals such as giving them our food stamps and other freebies while our own people go hungry and without jobs. Also the do nothing congress is going to make same sex marriage by the queers as the law of the land. Folks our country is in deep trouble and the only out is to defeat Obama. This is it! The last major battle before Armageddon! Our last chance to defeat the Devil incarnate. Our last chance before Civil War 2! Don't blow it!
Please people out vote Obama on November the 6th!!
The Latest
Well, the first Presidential debate has come and past. Obama got his ears pinned back by the better prepared challenger, Milt Romney who did a very good job of showing Obama as the lair that he is. The election will become very interesting if Romney can keep his momenton and stay the course. As I have said before Romney is just too nice a guy for the tough and dirty politics of Obama and his gang of cut throats. He will have to toughen up to stand up against the Obama gang who will use whatever tatics they can whether the tactics are lies and unsustainable promises to the hanger's on who will suck us dryusing the power of the presidential office in unconstitutional ways Obama is pandering to the blood suckers of this nation, The latest is that Obama has made a video calling on all the blacks to support him using "Black History Month" to add weight to his plead. If this isn't reverse racism what is? I ask you if Romney made a like video and said, "This is the White History Month and all you white crackers have to vote for me."
This would of course cause be a great uproar and the call of Racism would be yelled from from one end of the country to the other. However, if Obama and his black supporters do it, it is OK. Obama's preacher said, "Not God Bless America, God Damn America!" It seems we have two different view points don't we? If this election is not a situation of the Blacks and the bleeding heart liberals against the white people of the USA then what is it?
A reality check
It seems that PBS of all the news TV media stations are the only one who reports on our slain soldiers in Afghanistan and Irac. They list the men, their rank, age and branch of service and their home town. Tonight there were 9 more heroes who died in my opinion for nothing. However, they serve and they die for the enemies who hate us, shoot our men in the back as we try to help and train them to protect themselves against their own kind. We give them money, support and we don't say anything bad about them or we will hear about it in the news media as racism. And if our men get shot in the back by "our friends" what does our president Obama do, he apologizes!
There has been thousands of our men killed and more thousands horribly wounded. There has and still is many that have had their minds wounded as well and may suffer from this for ever.
I say first get our men out of there. Quit giving them our money that we borrow from China. Tell our soldiers to shoot first and ask questions later at any overt action against us. Take away their arms and weapons. And to repeat get the hell out of there!
Finally remove Obama by voting him out of office on November the 6th 2012! Romney has said, "I want to develop our military so strong that no nation will ever attempt to attack us." The president we have now is just doing the opposite, he is weaking our military, bankrupting the country and promising everything to get himself elected that can not be sustainable.
What is a veteran?
A veteran is someone
who, at one point in his life, wrote a blank
check made payable to 'The United States of
America ' for an amount of 'up to and
including my life.'
That is Honor, and
there are way too many people in this country
who no longer understand it.
I never really thought about it when I served, but this is true. This is what every man
agrees to that his life as a soldier is forfeit to his country by this unspoken agreement.
'Do you know know the difference from right and wrong. This statement of Obama's when he was a Senator
about to run for president was a warning to all at the time of the way he thought about our country.
Very few heeded this warning and all the other warnings since then about how he was going to
destroy our country. One very big reason why we have lasted so long and survived many wars
against us to make us slaves and take away our freedom is because of the attributes that we had
then and that we have apparently lost now.
This is so unbelievable that I for one can not comprehend what has happened to the American people.
However, on second though, I think may be I do understand what has happened. I think it may be
largely due to the way the demographics of the country have changed, that is we, the white race, are
now the minority. We have been so diluted that the non-white majority now control our government.
This may be the end of our country as we now know it unless we can change everything back to
what it once was. Obama will lie, use any vile trick, have his gang place any dirty ad that no honest man would, cheat, threaten, lower himself into the gore of the most dirtiest campaign in my life time. This will be the worse and the most dirtiest campaign ever fought over in the history of the USA! He is the lowest form of human scum there is. If he wins and he just might, the country will sink down into the depths of misery that we haven't seen ever!
Look at my website to really learn the truth about Obama.
www.americaherenow.comWake Up America!his is just wishful thinking because it is impossible isn't it? We may have a slim chance if we can defeat Obama on November the 6th. The American people must be very stupid now, more so than at any time in our history. I for one am glad that I am old and hopefully won't live to see the downfall of our country. This country of ours was a great experiment and was the most successful
example of a free society in the modern world. However, no country or empire stands the test of
time and our end as one of the greatest examples of a free enterprise is just about over.
Long live the USA! God help us! (If there is a God)
What I would like to know is, what is happening to people? There is so much violence that seems to be happening constantly. Is this just copy cat crazy violence or what? Evey time I take a look at the news there is a terrible occurrence where some crazed idiot starts shooting, indiscriminately it seems.
I think that this series of shooting at innocent people is going to stop people from going any where that includes crowds of people. The police are going to start shooting first and then ask questions later. This violence is not going to stop people from buying guns, but will only increase the sale of guns. The end result may be that this will give Obama the excuse he needs to start controlling the ownership of guns and start trying to get our guns in spite of the second amendment of the Constitution Bill of Rights.
He already has by his "executive orders"s taken over control of all forms of communications that he signed on July the 6th. There are many "secret" executive orders he has signed that he has yet to put in play. He is stocking on his secret executive orders like a person stock piling ammo for later use! So look out America if he gets re-elected!
OK folks and especially to you Obama lovers, Obama latest anti-constitutional trick out of his dirty bag of tricks is to try and stop early military voting in Ohio. Guess what his reason is? It seems that Ohio's military has a long history of voting conservative! It seems that the Obama gang will stop at nothing to get re-elected. Once "Obama the Muslim" is re-elected you better bend over and kiss your ass good bye before the time for doing that is gone! He might by "executive order" abolish the US Constitution and declare himself head nigger and Emperor of the once USA! GOD SAVE AMERICA! WAKE UP AMERICA BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE!
Yes, he told us in advance what he planned to do. Few were listening. The following is a narrative taken from a 2008 Sunday morning televised "Meet The Press'. From Sunday's 07 Sept. 2008 11:48:04 EST, Televised "Meet the Press" THE THEN Senator Obama was asked about his stance on the American Flag. General Bill Gann' USAF (ret.) asked Obama to explain WHY he doesn't follow protocol when the National Anthem is played. The General stated to Obama that according to the United States Code, Title 36, Chapter 10, Sec. 171... During rendition of the national anthem, when the flag is displayed, all present (except those in uniform) are expected to stand at attention facing the flag with the right hand over the heart. Or, at the very least, "Stand and Face It". NOW GET THIS !! 'Senator Obama replied: "As I've said about the flag pin, I don't want to be perceived as taking sides". "There are a lot of people in the world to whom the American flag is a symbol of oppression.." "The anthem itself conveys a war-like message. You know, the bombs bursting in air and all that sort of thing." (ARE YOU READY FOR THIS???) Obama continued: "The National Anthem should be 'swapped' for something less parochial and less bellicose. I like the song 'I'd Like To Teach the World To Sing'. If that were our anthem, then, I might salute it. In my opinion, we should consider reinventing our National Anthem as well as 'redesign' our Flag to better offer our enemies hope and love. It's my intention, if elected, to disarm America to the level of acceptance to our Middle East Brethren. If we, as a Nation of warring people, conduct ourselves like the nations of Islam, where peace prevails - - - perhaps a state or period of mutual accord could exist between our governments ......" When I become President, I will seek a pact of agreement to end hostilities between those who have been at war or in a state of enmity, and a freedom from disquieting oppressive thoughts. We as a Nation, have placed upon the nations of Islam, an unfair injustice which is WHY my wife disrespects the Flag and she and I have attended several flag burning ceremonies in the past". "Of course now, I have found myself about to become the President of the United States and I have put my hatred aside. I will use my power to bring CHANGE to this Nation, and offer the people a new path. My wife and I look forward to becoming our Country's First black Family. Indeed,CHANGE is about to overwhelm the United States of America " Yes, you read it right. I, for one, am speechless!!! Dale Lindsborg , Washington Post EVERYONE IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA NEEDS TO READ THIS, KEEP IT GOING ! ! SAVE AMERICA BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE !
Well, America? How many Obama warnings to you have to have to understand how Obama feels about the USA? You have to agree that he has given us many such warnings in his own words and in his own videos. We have no excuse, he has warned us repetitively about his true attentions for the USA. He has made no bones about it, so what are you going to do about it America? Just sit back and wait for the ax to fall? Are you going to finally wake up and do something about it before it is too late?
It is just about too late already. The slim chance that we have in turning this around is if Obama is voted out of office on November the 6th. However, even if Obama is defeated we still have an up hill battle to redo the damage he has caused already. The unconstitutional "Obama Care Tax" that was made quasi-legal by the traitorous Supreme Court, the many "executive orders" that are maybe unconstitutional, as well such as his latest executive order giving him control of all forms of communications in direct opposition of the 1st Amendment! This includes the TV stations, radio, the Internet, newspapers, magazines and the US mail as well. If you want to see all the executive orders he has signed in secret just go to the White House website, http://whitehouse.gov
The do nothing congress, the worst in our history, is so ineffectual, so dangerous, so useless, so lacking in courage that this needs to be addressed by turning out all the crooks, homosexuals, traitors and all the members that only are interested in what they can do for themselves instead of what they can do for the American people!
www.americaherenow.com if you want to know and be informed.
To our enemies, terrorists and detractors, we are the United States of America, we don't tolerate, negotiate, we retaliate!

Yes. Obama is right up their with Hitler and Stalin The first possible Black Dictator of what once was the USA!What I would like to know is, what is happening to people? There is so
much violence that seems to be happening constantly. Is this just copy
cat crazy violence or what? Evey time I take a look at the news there is
a terrible occurrence where some crazed idiot starts shooting,
indiscriminately it seems. I think that this series of shooting at innocent people is going to stop people from going any
where that includes crowds of people. The police are going to start
shooting first and then ask questions later. This violence is not going
to stop people from buying guns, but will only increase the sale of
guns. The end result may be that this will give Obama the excuse he
needs to start controlling the ownership of guns and start trying to get
our guns in spite of the second amendment of the Constitution Bill of
Rights. He already has by his "executive orders"s taken over
control of all forms of communications that he signed on July the 6th.
There are many "secret" executive orders he has signed that he has yet
to put in play. He is stocking piling on his secret executive orders like a
person stock piling ammo for later use! So look out America if he gets
Well, it looks like Obama is beginning to start the first important step in becoming the dictator of the country. He has now effectively abolished the 1st amendment of the bill of rights of our constitution. He has taken over the Internet and all communications by his latest "executive order". He has the power now to imprison anybody he deems a threat to his rule. It is almost too late for you fools who voted him in office. He has the total support of the Hispanic and black race as well as the support of all the freebie hanger on's who just love Obama's social welfare state.
Now he has caused even more love for his support of all the illegals and Hispanics by using the larger portion of the Farm Bill to give the illegals free food stamps at the expense of the working poor Americans who have to support this bill with their taxes! Just go to the White house website to see all the Obama "executive orders" that he has signed without the knowledge of the American people. The news media has not reported this abuse of presidential power, why?.
KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) — A newly recruited Afghan village policeman opened fire on his American allies on Friday, killing two U.S. service members minutes after they handed him his official weapon in an inauguration ceremony. It was the latest in a disturbing string of attacks by Afghan security forces on the international troops training them.
Later Friday, an Afghan soldier turned his gun on foreign troops in another part of the country and wounded two of them, a spokesman for the NATO coalition said.
The attacks in the country's far west and south brought to seven the number of times that a member of the Afghan security forces — or someone wearing their uniform — has opened fire on international forces in the past two weeks.
Such assaults by allies, virtually unheard of just a few years ago, have recently escalated, killing at least 36 foreign troops so far this year. They also raise questions about the strategy to train Afghan national police and soldiers to take over security and fight insurgents after most foreign troops leave the country by the end of 2014.
The NATO-led coalition has said such attacks are anomalies stemming from personal disputes, but the supreme leader of the Taliban boasted on Thursday night that the insurgents are infiltrating the quickly expanding Afghan forces.
Friday's deadly attacker in the far western province of Farah was identified as Mohammad Ismail, a man in his 30s who had joined the Afghan Local Police just five days ago.
He opened fire during an inauguration ceremony attended by American and Afghan forces in the Kinisk village, the Farah provincial police chief Agha Noor Kemtoz said.
"As soon as they gave the weapon to Ismail to begin training, suddenly he took the gun and opened fire toward the U.S. soldiers," Kemtoz said.
Ismail was shot and killed as the coalition and Afghan forces returned fire, the police chief said.
A spokesman for the international coalition force, Jamie Graybeal, confirmed that two American service members were killed Friday by a member of the Afghan Local Police.
The ALP is different from the national police and represents a village defense force under the Ministry of Interior that is being trained by international forces, including U.S. special forces.
Graybeal gave no other details on the Farah attack other than confirming the shooter had been killed.
Kemtoz, the police chief, said the attack took place about 8 a.m., after the U.S. forces arrived in the village to train the local police. He said one Afghan National Police officer was also seriously wounded in the shooting.
Later Friday, an Afghan army soldier fired on coalition troops in the southern province of Kandahar. Two of the international troops were wounded but none was killed in that shooting, Graybeal said. He added that the soldier was shot and died later Friday of his wounds.
So far in 2012, there have been 29 attacks reported on foreign troops by Afghans they are training, compared to 11 attacks in 2011, according to an Associated Press count, and five attacks in each of the previous two years.
Seven such attacks have come in the past two weeks alone, with six American troops killed last Friday in two separate shootings in Helmand province in the south and another American killed a few days previously on a U.S. base in Paktia province in the east.
The trend raises questions about potential resentment by Afghans after more than a decade of international presence since the American-led intervention to oust the Taliban regime from power for harboring the al-Qaida terrorist leadership after the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks in the U.S. The insider attacks also renew concern that insurgents may be infiltrating the Afghan army and police, despite intensified screening.
Insurgent infiltration or recruitment was behind only about 10 percent of this year's reported attacks on coalition forces by Afghan allies, Graybeal said earlier this week, citing investigations into attacks before those of the past week.
Graybeal insisted the deadly violence is relatively small scale compared to the nearly 340,000 Afghan security forces now being trained.
The international coalition has said that Afghan forces are increasingly able to lead operations and already have started to assume responsibility for security in areas of the country that are home to 75 percent of the Afghan population.
However, the Taliban have been quick to seize on the increasing number of attacks as a sign of Afghan rejection of foreign forces and the insurgents' own successful recruitment.
The group's supreme leader Mullah Mohammad Omar said Thursday night that the insurgents "have cleverly infiltrated in the ranks of the enemy" and were successfully killing a rising number of U.S.-led coalition forces.
In an email to media organizations, Omar said the plan to transfer responsibility to Afghan forces by the end of 2014 is a "deceiving drama" that the international community has orchestrated to hide its defeat.
The Taliban leader's message came on the same day that a U.S. military helicopter crashed during a firefight with insurgents in a remote area of southern Afghanistan, killing seven Americans and four Afghans in one of the deadliest air disasters of a war now into its second decade
Obama Signs Executive Order Giving Him and Federal Government Control of All Forms of Communication Under Any Circumstance posted on July 17, 2012 by Giacomo 307 Comments 942 On Friday, July 6, 2012, without any fanfare or publicity, President Barack Obama signed an executive order titled Assignment of National Security and Emergency Preparedness Communications Functions. Chances are that Obama didn’t want to bring attention to this action because of the power it places in his grasp. Section 1 of the executive order reads: “The Federal Government must have the ability to communicate at all times and under all circumstances to carry out its most critical and time sensitive missions. Survivable, resilient, enduring, and effective communications, both domestic and international, are essential to enable the executive branch to communicate within itself and with: the legislative and judicial branches; State, local, territorial, and tribal governments; private sector entities; and the public, allies, and other nations. Such communications must be possible under all circumstances to ensure national security, effectively manage emergencies, and improve national resilience. The views of all levels of government, the private and nonprofit sectors, and the public must inform the development of national security and emergency preparedness (NS/EP) communications policies, programs, and capabilities.” Basically, this executive order gives the president and Department of Homeland Security the authorization to take over and control any and all lines of communications any time they want to, as spelled out in Section 5.2 of the executive order: “Sec. 5.2. The Secretary of Homeland Security shall: (a) oversee the development, testing, implementation, and sustainment of NS/EP communications, including: communications that support Continuity of Government; Federal, State, local, territorial, and tribal emergency preparedness and response communications; non-military executive branch communications systems; critical infrastructure protection networks; and non-military communications networks, particularly with respect to prioritization and restoration; (b) incorporate, integrate, and ensure interoperability and the necessary combination of hardness, redundancy, mobility, connectivity, interoperability, restorability, and security to obtain, to the maximum extent practicable, the survivability of NS/EP communications defined in section 5.2(a) of this order under all circumstances, including conditions of crisis or emergency;” Some analysts have reviewed the executive order and state that this section gives the Department of Homeland Security the authorization to seize any and all private communications facilities it deems necessary. The National Communications System defines the communications infrastructure as: “The communications infrastructure is a complex system of systems that incorporates multiple technologies and services with diverse ownership. The infrastructure includes wireline, wireless, satellite, cable, and broadcasting, and provides the transport networks that support the Internet and other key information systems.” When you wade through the executive order and other related government documents, you discover that this document gives the president the power to seize and control every form of communication within the United States for any reason they so desire. Now add this to the National Defense Authorization Act passed by Congress last year that gives the United States government to arrest, detain and hold indefinitely any American without a warrant, formal charges or any reason other than declaring the person is a threat to the nation. Any detained under this act will be sent to a military run prison and held until such time as the government decides to release them. I have never been a conspiracy nut and usually avoid those that are, but I can’t help but see the evidence over the past year to indicate that Barack Obama has almost everything in place to allow him to declare martial law and suspend the American way of life. He has the power to control all forms of communication and detain anyone he wants. He has purposely driven the economy and job market to the brink of collapse. As much as I hate to admit it, I honestly believe that if Obama gets re-elected, that he will finalize the economic collapse of America and in so doing, will declare martial law and take control of all communications. He will arrest and detain anyone who opposes him. In all likelihood, he will disband Congress, the Supreme Court and stop all elections. Ultimately, he will declare himself to be the supreme ruler of the nation and assume complete dictatorial control of the country. This November’s election IS the most important presidential election in the history of America. It may very well be the last election we will ever have. I pray I’m wrong, but all of the evidence points to that conclusion.
Read more: http://godfatherpolitics.com/6180/obama-signs-executive-order-giving-him-and-federal-government-control-of-all-forms-of-communication-under-any-circumstance/#ixzz20uxh3j85
www.americaherenow.com if you want to know and be informed.
The country going to hell and I am mad as hell!
Read more: http://godfatherpolitics.com/6180/obama-signs-executive-order-giving-him-and-federal-government-control-of-all-forms-of-communication-under-any-circumstance/#ixzz20uxh3j85
www.americaherenow.com if you want to know and be informed.
The country going to hell and I am mad as hell!
One very big reason why we have lasted so long and survived many wars
against us to make us slaves and take away our freedom is because of the attributes that we had
then and that we have apparently lost now.
against us to make us slaves and take away our freedom is because of the attributes that we had
then and that we have apparently lost now.
The Twin Towers BEFORE 911! Don't forget!
The latest Obama "executive order".
Yesterday, June 20th 2012, the President claimed executive privilege to hide documents on his administration's botched "Fast and Furious" operation. Because, for President Obama, protecting his liberal ally Attorney General Eric Holder is clearly more important than protecting the interests of the American people.
As a senator, Obama railed against the use of executive privilege, criticizing former presidents for using it. Furthermore, as a candidate, Obama promised to be honest with the American people.
The hypocrisy is stunning!
Well, it's time for Eric Holder to go and if President Obama won't fire him, then the American people will tell President Obama what we think about that.
Whatever Obama and the liberal Democrats are hiding, we won't allow the President to pull a fast one on us.
When the US government refuses to enforce laws that have been on the books for years it is time to do some more vigorous protesting. When our government refuses to follow our Constitution, when the president tries to berate the Supreme Court for not doing what he wants, then it is time to impeach all in government who refuse to support our laws including the president, especially the president. Are we a nation of laws or we ignoring our Constitution and the history of laws in this country. The Constitution that have kept us free in spite of all our dangers that we have over come by our patriotism, determination and our strength, must be followed.
We are at a crossroads now and the path we take on the 6th of November will determine whether we survive as a free nation or not. The country may become a failed enterprise and the rest of the world will be living in the dark age of history along with the USA!. To all the people who don't understand this, you will along with your loved ones, your children, your wife and all that you love dear with be directly responsible for your own fate and the fate of our country! So wake up and act! Save our country now! Obama out in 2012!
A dark day in our history!
That the US Supreme Court has ruled in favor of "Obama Care", strikes me as proof of some sinister collusion between Obama and the Court, the 5 who voted that is constitutional and the 4 patriots who did not. That Obama threatened the Court to do it his way before this terribly crooked decision was made seems to me proof that the Court is corrupt to the core.
I for one will not abide by this unconstitutional law that requires me under the penalty of this Obama "law" to buy insurance. They can come and get me and take me to the "Obama the Muslim's" Nazi Gestapo prison or kill me before I will! They are going to make all the illegal immigrants and lazy hanger's on very happy. How many Obama anti-American actions does he have to do before all the Obama lovers fools in this country wake up before it is too late? Just take a look at my website to educate yourself and get your head out your ---!. This country is on its way to being a failed enterprise; Civil War 2 is just around the corner. If our founding fathers were here today, they would be very sad to see what has happened to their country, they might say it wasn't worth it!
The US constitution is being disregarded and laughed at by Obama and his gang of cut throats. Most of Congress is completely useless and is also a failed enterprise. No country lasts forever and this country is due to fail unless we get Obama out of there on Election Day, November the 6th. I am glad that I am old and hopefully won't live to see the end of this once great country. If Obama is re-elected then you all can bend over and kiss your behind good bye!. So there will be a lot of public "mooning" soon. If you don't what mooning is look it up. I don't intend to stay on Facebook much longer as it is just for people who have nothing to do, but wasting their time doing nothing of importance. Get involved, save America and get Obama out of there on election day! Do I sound bitter, well yes I am! So to those who view this and are displeased, I say good bye. It is my last comment on this terrible thing that has happened today.
My thoughts and my opinions and nobody else, I stand for what I have said.
Ervin W. Schrader
Veteran, Republican and Patriot!
An update for the Veteran's Administration:
Due to the economical situation and the unemployment problems, the VA has thousands less doctors and thousands more veterans using the VA for their health service. Also millions less dollars for funding the VA. Obama has cut the funding for the VA and has not supported the VA at all! He has given billions to our enemies and has not supported the USA in any way other than what he had to do to avoid out right impeachment. I am a veteran and I have seen and experienced the decline of the VA personally. I tell you that it is very disappointing to say the very least! Our VA director here in Albuquerque is only interested in his "risk adverse" in case you don't know what that means, it means only in covering his rear.So people, especially my fellow veterans. I say vote OBAMA OUT IN 2012!
Decision Time!
"America must return from its 'path to hell' and discover the virtues that made it great."
But time is running out!
Quote from Historian Niall Ferguson
NewsMax March 2012
This is so true that nobody who has just one brain cell that is still working can deny! However, it seems that there is a mass hypnosis or mental phobia that is affecting a lot of people. This is hard to understand. I for one can't. I just hope that the masses wake up out of their affection before it is too late!
These affected people may wake up one day and find that they are enslaved and their freedom is lost. Then it will be too late for Decision Time. They will be in a similar situation that all the oppressed peoples of the world are in and that is, slavery!
Well, it looks like Obama is showing his true Muslim colors and is going to "executive order" us into the last era of our freedom, remember how it once was, our country! This once wonderful free country of ours is fast going down in history as a failed enterprise due to this last "president" in our once proud history as the most successful free country in the world! The first black president and the last one, what does that tell you?
Now that he thinks he has the election won due to his underhanded dealings with the Chief Supreme Court Justice, his unconstitutional use of the powers of the office, his pandering to the illegals, his promises to his total support of the black community, his unabashed support from our enemies, he is now being more open about he is going to do when he is re-elected. I tell this, it won't be good for the average hard working citizen of these United States of America! This president and this congress is the most dishonest and dangerous in all of our history! As I have said repeatedly, if Obama is not defeated in the upcoming election on November the 6th of this year, the resulting fiasco that will come about will be the most dangerous time in our history. Indeed, it maybe the end and the break up of the country!
If you want to see free updated news coverage click on the NewsMax web site. Of course it is a conservative news web site that is free of Obama lies and only shows what is really happening. I highly recommend it. I have no connection whats so ever with NewsMax except that I have a subscription. It is just a very good conservative news source.
Before you go on, a warning. This site is not for die hard Obama Democrats or young children, please! This is because the Obama truths are so mind boggling and hard to believe that innocent Democrats might be offended, disillusioned or disappointed. Also there are a few minor cuss words here and there. The reason is that it is hard to not cuss a little in frustration when you see what Obama is doing to the USA! If Obama is re-elected you can bend over and kiss your ass good by! This statement may offend you, but it is a raw warning that is dire in it's sincerity and must be considered, now! There is not enough time for any more pussy footing around. The time is for action, now!
Well, today Obama, "The Emperor who wears no clothes", announced that he is going make legal all the people, young people he said, (about a million) that have been here 5 years are more, ha! That really means everybody doesn't it? There are now an estimated 20 million or more illegals in this country. This is only the first step in his total plan, at the present, to get re-elected anyway he can and then look out USA? He will lie, cheat, make up incidents, bring in millions of Africans or do whatever he can. This election is the most critical election in our entire history. It is the last make or break election.
This unsustainable socialistic welfare state will be increased beyond its capacity and of course all the recipients will vote for the Obama, their Emperor! If he is re-elected, then the Obama plan will be put into action at full blast and America will never be the same, it surely might be the end as we know it! Get ready, it is coming, the Civil War 2 is right around the corner! Protect our Constitution and especially the 10 Amendments that consists of our Bill of Rights created by our founding fathers for the protection of the citizens of these United States of America. These 10 Amendments were created to especially protect the citizens against exactly what Obama is doing to us right now and what he is going to do if he is re-elected! Keep reading and this terrible scenario with all the facts and possible implications will be apparent!
Below is a video of the possible scenarios of the next world war, World War III. This is what we are facing and it will be compounded and made more a possibility due to Obama's purposely mishandling of our military and his Muslim controlled actions and re-actions.
Impeach Obama for treason! Why? He wants us defenseless! How? By reducing our armed forces by over 100,000, reducing support for the military, ham stringing our generals, treachery in dealing with our enemies, limiting the ability to properly mount aggressive retaliation against our enemies when necessary. The ham stringing of our military has caused and is causing unnecessary casualties.
This kind of control is just outright murder. Now he is attempting to reduce our Nuclear Arsenal by 80 percent! Now he is going beyond the rulings of the supreme court, congress and beyond the limits of our constitution! He indeed is starting to act like more of a dictator in almost every way!
Now that he feels the heat and there is an increasing chance that he will the loose the election he is divulging military secrets to make himself look like a strong president against the terrorists and our enemies. These "leaks" can only come with his approval. This is obvious! Otherwise the security of the white house is highly suspect! These "leaks" of classified information are causing our allies to be very hesitant to trust us with any classified military information. They may feel that they can not now trust us and why should they if Obama shouts it to our enemies and the world? Not only that, it is putting our military at a higher risk than ever. This could mean increasing unnecessary casualties, with our men being killed or wounded. Get our men out of harm's way now!
To Add insult to injury Barack Obama is not even a natural born citizen of the United States of America! He was born in either in Kenya or Indonesia. Which one don't matter, he wasn't born in the USA! There is much proof on this deception everywhere. Read the pages on this web site that go into this in detail, then do your own research. There is just too much evidence to support this claim that would be very hard to refute.
By showing strong friendship to our enemies such as the slimy bad mouth fat dictator in Venezuela, Chavez, devil incarnate Putin, the treacherous oil rich (our money) fat Saudi kings, Castro's brother, Raul Castro ( both die hard communists) and the fat cannibalistic greasy African dictators. Did I describe these pigs correctly? He is shown giving Chavez a very friendly hug with a big smile and wrapping his arms around his masters, the Saudi kings. If anybody is our enemy, it is Chavez and the Saudis! We have lots of enemies and I can tell you why. The dictators and phony rulers who say they are elected (BS! not free elections) are the ones who hate us.
The reason is easy to explain. It is because we are free! The people under these tyrants and dictators control, really like us and they like our freedom and our life style. They yearn to be free. They want what we have. The free world is shrinking and it is up to the free world, mainly the USA, to keep the freedoms. We are the bastions of the free world and our enemies know this and that is why we are constantly being attacked. When the USA goes down then the rest of the free world will soon follow!
This is not all he wants to do to us. He is not standing up to our enemies. (He doesn't want to, it is part of the Obama plan!) When our men are killed in Afghanistan and else where what does Obama do he quickly apologized for all the trouble we cause! He is allowing Iran to threaten us and say they will hold up the oil in the Straits as well commit attacks against us. He should be telling them that they will be attacked in much greater force if they even think about it! He should go along with Israels and attack Iran before they develop Nuclear capabilities. He does not show the typical America patriotism or strength towards our sworn enemies. Obama should be impeached and tried for treason and crimes against the United States!
We appear weak and divided. Our congress is now almost a joke. Its approval rating by the people is 9 percent! Along with Obama, the US congress is not doing what the American want. There is a joke that I will retell that indicates what a lot of people are thinking.
There was a long line of tied up traffic on the freeway and a man was startled by a knock on his window. A man stuck his head in and said, "Did you hear what has happened to our congress? They are being held for ransom for $100 million dollars. If not paid they will be burned up with gasoline. We are raising a ransom." The first man said, "What are people giving?" The man said, "about a gallon each." This somewhat sick joke shows what the average people thinks about the US congress, totally useless, noneffective and out right dangerous!
We don't have a leader that is concerned for our welfare, in fact just the opposite! The latest that Obama did to show his true faith once again was after the killing of two of our own men over the stupid protest in Afghanistan about the accidental burning of their Koran, "Obama the Muslim" apologizes! Did he apologize to the parents or wives of these two men? I would bet that he did not!
Two more of our men were killed over this absolutely stupid and criminal situation. These two officers were working at their desks when a slimy, no good cowardly assassin sneaked in and shot these two men in the back! These two men were high ranking officers. Will Obama apologize to the Afghans again? Why don't we tell them to go to hell and shoot back? How much do we have to take before we do something? How many more of our men do we have to sacrifice before we get Obama out of office and our men out of harm's way.
Sunday several more men were wounded by a grenade attack on one of bases. Did Obama apologize for causing too much inconvenience for the Afghan killers of our men this time by causing them extra trouble to have to attack our base. The latest incident was when one of our soldiers, who was on his 4th tour of combat duty, snapped after seeing his buddies leg blown off and went on a rampage and masecured 16 people including women and children.
This man was a good family man with 13 years of honorable service in the US Army. Why would an otherwise good person do this terrible thing I ask you? It was because he was under much stress and had seem his friends killed and he himself had been wounded several times in combat. This was his fourth tour of duty in a combat zone, too much for one man. No one condones this kind of brutality at all, but after years of trying to be the world's police and benefactor, I think it is high time we get out of this unrewarding activity and quit being the world's sucker? During WW2 the average time in Combat was a few months. Since that time, time in a combat zone has been years including multiple tours for our troops, is too many for the average man. This is battle fatigue in its worst form. I just hope that the Army considers all these extenuating circumstances when they Court Marshall this disturbed soldier.
During Obama's recent Thanksgiving speech he never once mentioned God. He is the first president making this speech that never mentioned God's name. Why? Because Obama is a Muslim! The Muslim's bible, the Koran, says that, "if the infidel does not convert then he must be destroyed." Meaning us! Obama never salutes our flag or does he ever shows respect while others are doing so. Obama says he is a Christian, I say BS! Obama is not a Christian. He shown by his actions to be practicing Islamic Muslim.
He even took the American Flag off the Air Force One presidential plane and put his own emblem on it. There is not one video of Obama showing the least respect for our flag or our ideals. In fact it is just the opposite. He is not shy about showing his disrespect for the American Flag or the National Anthem. He seems to think that the American people are so stupid that he can do all these anti-American things and stick in our faces and we won't do anything about it. Well so far we are seemingly stupid to not tell him what he is doing is being noticed, remembered and recorded.
Our Constitution allows myself and all the citizens of these United States to speak out on criticism of our president and our elected representatives without fear of reprisal. We don't have to be afraid that if we do so, that we will disappear in the night, never to be heard of again. We are unique along with the rest of the free world. In other countries controlled by ruthless dictators such as China, North Korea, Russia, Iran and Syria this freedom is not allowed. If anyone in these countries criticize the government they do disappear in the night!
The next step will be to take our guns,in spite of the 2nd amendment, so that when the "Civil War Two" begins we will be defenseless. You might now say what do you mean by the "Civil War Two"? Well read on and you will find out.
Before you go on just watch this video about Obama's unpatriotic behavior and obvious disrespect for our flag and national anthem. It is despicable and is obvious what he really thinks. That an elected president of the USA should show such obvious anti-American behavior in public shows either real stupidly or an extreme dedication to his UN-American Muslim beliefs. However, you have to give him credit for his loyalty to his Muslim religion and his true beliefs and they are not for the welfare of the USA!
Vote Obama out of there in 2012!
To add insult to injury whoever is singing our National Anthem is doing a very bad job. Maybe on purpose?
Here is a recent comment that Obama said when he thought he was off camera talking to Russia's Communist president. This is an ominous cold blooded warning what Obama plans to do if he is re-elected. What does he mean by "more flexibility"? How many more warnings do you need America? Defeat him in 2012! You can't say he hasn't warned us in his own deeds and words can you?
The Obama new plan for the illegals is a treatment program that looks more like a recreational vacation for our illegals. They have soccer, basket ball and other great things to do. It is so great that instead of a deterrent, it is a lot better for them then the way they are used to. In fact it is a draw for them, not a deterrent. A 32 million dollar "holding" site for them, not a detention camp, but a nice place that offers recreation and other nice things like their food that they like, Such as good Mexican style cooking and food. There are no armed guards, they don't want to hurt there feelings. They will leave there when Obama makes them "legal" with a stroke of his pen by executive order, that is after his re-election when he has more "flexibility".
Barrack Obama receiving a well deserved medal from his Saudi Arabian supporters. The 911 terrorists were furnished by Saudi Arabia. This is not news. His supporters are in the Muslim world. After all he is a practicing Muslim, born in Kenya and raised a Muslim in Indonesia! He has said on TV that there is nothing better than hearing the early morning Muslim call to prayer.
However, even though this is generally public news, it didn't stop millions of people from voting for him in 2008. How do you explain the fact that millions of people had voted for him and many more may vote for him in 2012? This is mind boggling to say the least. It is like the Lemmings that have to march to the ocean and jump over the cliff to commit suicide every few years. It is unexplainable! It defies all reason and common sense! If this aberration continues we are surely done far!
Forget that for now if you can and go on to the rest of this web site. You might learn some interesting facts and new ideas and it even might change your thinking.
SECOND WARNING: This site is not for young children and especially die hard Obama Democrats and bleeding heart liberals! Only continue if you have the courage, open mindness and fortitude to see, read and understand about the true Obama.
This website will close one day after the election on November 6, 2012 no matter which way it goes. Obama is using lies, distortions and the powerful office of the president in an unconstitutional way. He has no qalms about dirty tricks, releasing classified information to make him look good, smearing the reputation of Romney with distortions of the truth. Romney has a problem in that he is just too nice a guy to go against the likes of Obama. Romney needs to study the life of General George Patten to learn how to go against Obama.
This is an Anti-Obama website to inform the uninformed, to educate the uneducated and hopefully change a wavering opinion.
Milt Romney is white, intelligent, successful, rich, an intellectual and appears to be honest and forth right. It seems the low life's don't like him because of these attributes! They prefer an opposite such as Obama!
However, maybe we should pay more attention to what the Obama advisers think, that Romney would be the easiest to defeat. Actually Romney is just too nice a man, but he will have to harden up and stand up to Obama, He will have to have the stand up courage that will be necessary to win this battle for the country, our USA! That is what they are gearing up for, a battle against Romney. They may be in for a big surprise as Romney will have the right on his side and Obama will only have the Devil on his side. The real American people are getting more fed up with Obama's failure to be the right kind of president that we need, that is a honest caring American.
They seem to be more afraid of what the Republicans can do with Obama's own words and actions that is on the Internet for all to see, that is for a little more time, because Obama now wants to control the Internet. This is to begin the control of free speech in spite of the 1st Amendment of our Constitution! It seems Obama and his gang of thieves think that that now by using the powers of the Presidency that they can flout the Constitutional restraints and do whatever they please! However, this thinking may be all wrong. There has to be a limit on what the American people will put up with and the election on November the 6th may indeed tell Obama and his gang what the American people can really do once they are riled up and understand the dangers we are in.
Hopefully, Romney in the coming debates with Obama will descend with such thundering rhetoric on Obama with the Obama lies and false truths, that will knock him down in such a way that Obama can't match or explain away in spite of his powers of making something bad sound good. Milt Romney may be the surprise that Obama is not expecting. Obama will counter with more exaggerated promises and lies that will appeal to the social userpers and hangers on, but the truth is all powerful and no matter how many lies are used to try to place doubt on the obvious truths, it can't be done. All the Republican candidate has to do is just bring out the true facts about Obama in his own words and actions and that would be enough to defeat Obama! Just make him explain his lies, unpatriotic words and actions which would pin him to the wall. Lies can not be explained away to any intelligent person(s) no matter how hard they try!
Here Mr. Obama tells how he never gets mad. He lets Luther and other Obama supporters speak for him. Caution a few cuss words here and there and it is not for Democrats and children, please.
Now for some serious comments and discussions. Things that have a very serious nature, but first let me say we now have the Egypt's military government sticking their asses in our faces. Obama gives his Egyptian friends billions, (my money, your money) this year 1.5 billion, and his friends are holding 19 of our people hostage. (I have not heard or read anything about this. What has happened?) The Egyptian revolution is not working for the Egyptian people and it certainly isn't working for the USA! When are we going to do what we should do? Ron Paul is right, quit giving our money to the people who hate our guts, attack us, shoot our men in the back while shaking hands. This is lunacy!
The latest Obama moves to make us weaker and defenseless!
Now he wants to weaken our military even more, reduce our ability to defend the country and make it easier for our enemies to overwhelm us. He now wants to reduce our Nuclear stock pile of weapons by a whopping 80% so that we will be further weakened! So that our deterrent capabilities are a much lessor threat to our enemies, Russia and China. This traitorous act of treason is enough right here to impeach Obama! No matter what Russia or China ever says about agreeing to any reduction in arms it is like the lies that Hitler said to the world. At the same time Russia, China and North Korea as well as Iran are racing to increase their weapons and military. Syria, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, Egypt and many more countries including all the African nations are all very unstable. Some have Nuclear capabilities and chemical weapons.
Why don't we help the Syrian people?
Why don't we do something about the Syrian crises? Why don't we help the people who are trying to over throw Assad because they want to be free? I will tell you why. It is because the Russians and the Chinese support the Assad government. It is because the Russians and the Chinese supply them with weapons and money. It is because the Russians and the Chinese are our enemies and also because they want the oil! It is because the Russians and the Chinese want to hurt us in any way they can. So it seems that we are afraid of the red Chinese and the Russians. They rattle their sabers and we tremble. I say we should start now and let the Chinese and the rest of the world know that we are finished being the worlds's sucker. As General Patton said, "The good guys finish last!" (The Chinese believe in the death of a thousand cuts and they are giving us the thousand cuts one at a time. It is the last cut that will kill you!) Finally it is because Obama doesn't want to stand up to them. He is playing into their hands as planned.
It is because we have no guts or support under the Obama Muslim government to help the Syrian people in their struggles to over throw the 40 year rule of the Assad tyranny. Most of the countries of the world wanted to condemn Assad and support the Syrians any way they can. They wanted to have a United Nations condemnation of the Assad regime. Russia and China vetoed it. What does that tell you? Two of the most powerful nations in the world, Russia and China, support countries like Iran, Syria, North Korea, Venezuela and any country that is our enemy. Our president "Barack the Muslim Obama" likes all of them!
The whole world is like one large tinder box ready to be set on fire at any moment. This is not the time to let Obama and his gang make us weaker and reduce our ability to response rapidly to any aggression or the threats made by any of these rogue nations. The show down is coming. It is like the gun fight at the OK corral. It will be determined by who has the most stand up courage, strength, fortitude and determination.
Under the Obama Muslim government, who is determined to keep us weak and complacent with his welfare state so that we will be easy prey when the show down comes! It will be like the fatten butcher hog who feels so full and satisfied that he is unaware and does not care of the butcher's ax. However, the coming break up of the USA may happen first, that is the "Civil War Two". Either one of these two calamities may come before the other or they come at the same time. Either way we must be prepared!
America! It is time to Wake up!
General Patton was right when he said the way to eliminate your liability to being attacked is to be stronger, more aggressive and meaner than your enemy. There are no rules in war only the more powerful and determined win. As Governor Milt Romney said in his Florida victory speech, "I want to make America so powerful and strong militarily that no nation would even think of attacking us!" I concur 100% and I hope every loyal America does too. Obama's goal is to make up so weak and unprepared that we will be vulnerable.
This is no time to be a bleeding heart liberal or a disloyal American, this is the time to be strong until the world becomes sane once again. Do you think that the world will ever be sane again? It is beginning to look like the disease is fatal with no cure!
So Obama wants us to be weak enough so that our enemies will attack us! It is just unbelievable that the thinking people of the USA doesn't see what is happening and remove "Barack the Muslim Obama alias Barack Hussein Soetoro" by decisively defeating him in the 2012 presidential election on November the 6th 2012. Defeat him by such a wide margin that it will be like Secretariat winning racing's triple crown by 31 lengths. Let us defeat Obama by such a wide margin that nobody will ever again doubt the again the will of the America people!
The Congress should invoke the 25th amendment which stipulates that in the invent that the president is deemed unfit to carry out the duties of his office as described in the US constitution, in this case due to malfeasance, disloyalty, anti-constitutional crimes, treason and obvious insanity, and unable and totally unfit to serve as the President, that he should be removed from office!
He wants to reduce our Army by a 100,000 soldiers. He wants to make us so weak so that we can not defend ourselves. Obama also wants to reduce the amount by billions of dollars towards the support of all our military. There were complaints that we were stretched too thin before and now he wants to further make us too thin to properly defend the country! Iran is close to developing Nuclear missiles. Israel wants to strike now before it is too late, but Obama wants to wait. Wait for what? Wait until the USA is attacked or Israel. Just think what a few suit case nuclear bombs would do to New York City? A preemptive strike against Iran or any other country that threatens to attack using Nuclear missiles is justified.
Iran is a rogue nation that seems bent on national suicide. Of course the Muslim Islamic religion is that way. It is in their Koran, their bible, their way of life. They have lived this way for thousands of years. They are bent on either world domination or sucide.That they threaten the most powerful nation in the free world is a good example of sure lunacy! That we should be threatened with the oil weapon is another sign of lunacy. If it comes down to the USA suffering due to lack of oil then we should show these idiots what a powerful and free country can do.
Israel is one country that knows what it is like to live under tyranny and they will strike Iran in spite of any thing Obama may say. The Muslim nations, especially Iran, have stated in no uncertain terms that Israel and the Jews must be eliminated and totally destroyed. They are not going to wait and let Iran strike first. The Jews learned their lesson in WW2 and they are not going to let that happen again when the Nazis killed 6 million. They went to their slaughter like sheep to the butcher. They have vowed to never let this happen again! Iran beware! USA beware too!
Obama must be defeated and removed from office before the our country is lost. What does he have to do so that the people of the United states of America realize what in the hell he is doing?
He is helping the Palestinians and not the Israelis. He is working on disarming us by a stroke of the pen in spite of the 2nd amendment. He will take your guns. He will make it illegal for you to even own a gun. Wake up you fools! Resist him! Defeat him in 2012! Elect a good man like Ron Paul. Ron Paul is the only one who speaks the way he feels. His ideas are direct and no body has to ponder what he means. He is old, but wise and it is too bad he won't be our nominee, but Romney or Santorum may be.
Taiwan: Our ally, unprotected and ignored!
Taiwan: Our forgotten ally. We have pledged that we would defend the Taiwanese against any attack by the Chinese. This pledge is the only thing standing in front of any Chinese attack on Taiwan and our continuous supply of modern weapons such as up to modern jet fighters. Obama has refused to supply the Taiwanese with new fighters as well as other more advanced weaponry. The Chinese will take this as the time to strike and the Taiwanese will have to surrender due to over powering strength of the Chinese. The Chinese are rapidly upgrading and improving their military in every way. At the same time we are falling behind due to Obama weakening of our own military. Billions are going to sustain the Obama welfare state.
We have before us a crisis today that if we fail to do what is absolutely vital and necessary will be the beginning of the end of the USA as we know it. This year, 2012 could be the defining year in our short history. This coming election may be the make or break election. It could very well be the last election. We should not quit, but do what we have to do, defeat Obama!
It is predicted that the end of our days is December 21, 2012, but I don't believe that, I don't want too. However, if you want to watch a startlingly history of how many ancient peoples, including the Mayas whose calender is more accurate then our own, came up with the same date in different times and different settings watch "Doomsday 2012: The End of Days" The book of Revelations in the bible also mentions and describes how the world will end. This video is a History Channel DVD that was first published in 2007. It will make you think. It will make you think because Obama will either be defeated for the presidency by then or he will be re-elected and he will consider that a mandate to change the USA and in doing that the rest of the world. In doing so it may indeed be the end of days.
The Civil War 2-Find the book and read it!
Another book that is a must read is "Civil War 2", by Thomas W. Chittum. It is very more startlingly and mind boggling, but makes a irrefutable argument about the coming Civil War Two in the USA.
This very popular book once sold for $12.95 and is now out of print and selling for as much as $99.00 by private owners. Why is this popular book been stopped? This is very suspicious and strange. What is behind this? This seems to be an invalidation of the 1st Amendment. However, this book can be down loaded for a limited time by some courageous organizations. Get a copy before it is gone. Even the libraries across the country who once had copies to loan no longer have them. All this is something that is now happening in every segment of our society. Something very sinister, something very dangerous which may be just another attack on our Constitution and Bill of Rights by Obama and his gang of thieves.
This site is 100% dedicated to Barrack Obama being a one term president. Support the Republican nominee in the 2012 presidential election. Obama must be defeated in 2012! If you love our country and want to preserve our way of life vote Obama out!
I urge you all who may be looking at this web site to seriously consider who you give your vote to in 2012! This may be the make or break election and the most vital in our entire history as a free nation. Don't just follow your parties lines, but consider very seriously who you vote for. This could be the last free election!
Yes, it may soon be too late to see all the Obama facts and the truths because Google and others are shutting down the Anti-Obama websites where ever they can. So much for the 1st Amendment! December 21, 2011 (So if this web site disappears you will know the reason why.)
I urge you all to read the book, "Civil War Two" by
Thomas W. Chittum. It makes a lot of sense, from his point of view as well as many other historians. When the demographics of the USA changes where the colored races equal or out number the white race, then this "Civil War Two" might very well begin. He predicts it will start in southern California. He, as well as others, think that the USA may break up into regional districts, separate countries, where it will be every man for himself, the end result of the up coming Civil War Two. The USA will then no longer exist as it is now. He predicts this may well happen in the next 20 years or sooner. (Before all this happens the Obama gang will try to disarm you!) If Obama is re-elected this frightening scenario could very well happen soon after.
I was able to down load "The End of the World" from You Tube. It is in six parts. Take a look. This video will make you think even if you are a skeptic.
Here is what one man said after reading "Civil War Two". Read it if you can find it!
Before you do take a look at the Obama's own statements in this video about his Muslim faith and why he loves it.
Then view the Taiwan situation and how Obama is preventing them getting our help to defend against a Chinese attack.
Before you go on I have at this last minute found a video recording of an interview of Thomas Chittum author of "Civil War Two" that might be interesting to watch. Also I have discovered that there are books available on Amazon.com of his book, "Civil War Two". The scalpers who had thought it would be extremely hard to get have been proven wrong and the prices have come down. I am very glad that they are wrong.

Yes. He is a Muslim. To prove it just do some research! He will do what all Muslims want to do, that is to destroy our country. He is the only president to be sworn in WITHOUT the bible. He says he is a Christian BS! He will give you the change that you won't want! So just wait and do nothing and see what happens or out vote him in 2012 and then see what happens! Don't just take my word for it check out this website: www.dontvoteobama.net

Yes. He wants to destroy our constitution. The Obama Care is one example that is unconstitutional.There are others and he will attempt more. Creating jobs is a good thing, but the way he wants to do it would cost over $200,000 per job! This would add more debt to our national debt and create very few jobs. He gives billions to our "friends" who hate our guts and shoot our men in the back, Enough is enough!
"If you voted for Obama in 2008 to prove that you are not a racist, then vote against him in 2012 to prove you are not an idiot!"
"Sleep it Away or stop it!"