A veteran is someone
who, at one point in his life, wrote a blank
check made payable to 'The United States of
America ' for an amount of 'up to and
including my life.'
That is Honor, and
there are way too many people in this country
who no longer understand it.'
Take a good look at this picture! Then check out this website: www.dontvoteobama.net

Yes. There are many fallen heroes that have given their all for our country. We should not have let them die in vain. If it wasn't for their sacrifices we would not have our freedom. Too many people don't seem to know this obvious truth. It is the ones who have served that know it well. The ones who have been killed or wounded in both World Wars, Korea, the Gulf war, Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan. They have done more than their duty. The men who have been killed and wounded by road side bombs furnished to our enemies by Iran should be revenged by an all out attack on Iran. We know they have furnished the munitions, we have proved it and we have done nothing about it! This killing and the wounding of our men is still going on and we can stop it! Where is our leadership, where is our guts? Have they been sold out too! To stop these easily preventable attacks on our men we should do what is necessary! No quarter should be given, no limited be placed!
Our military is being badly led due to the Generals worrying that they will be sacked if they do what is necessary and vital to protect their men. They are afraid to bring the attack to our enemies in a way that will finally win this war because Obama doesn't want it that way. The best defense is a strong offense and the Generals know this. If any military leader goes against the Obama line he is promptly muted and removed. Our men are being sacrificed due the restrictions placed on them. There no rules in war only to win or go down in defeat! General Patten once said that we have to be meaner, stronger, tougher and more aggressive than the enemy if we are to win any war. When at war we must attack to win and not be hampered by any politician's stupid restraints. The way we are waging war in Iraq and Afghanistan is to waste our men and resources for nothing! "You are either with us or against us." There is no other way! We don't want any phony friends that take our money and shoot our men in the back! If not, "THEN WE MUST GET OUR MEN THE HELL OUT OF THERE NOW!"
Our latest shame is to let a pissy ass country like Pakistan push us around. They were blocking our supply convoys and telling us what to do. I say unblock that convoy by force if need be. It is high time that we start acting like we got a pair! (a great big pair!) The latest shame on our integrity is that we let the cowardly military government of Egypt hold our people hostage. Obama has given his Egyptian friends billions of our tax payer's money. This year over 1.5 billions.The people's revolution in Egypt seems to be a failure in spite of their immense sacrifices. It seems that we allow these pissy assed countries to kick us around at will. Where has our honor went and where is our leadership?
Our men are leaving Iraq now. This is just great. I hope they never go back! From now on if we have to fight there let it be with our drones!
And to hell with Pakistan! Pakistan is a real enemy and we should not give them another red cent! It is high time we know who our real friends are and who our real enemies are. 12/03/2011
Our military is being badly led due to the Generals worrying that they will be sacked if they do what is necessary and vital to protect their men. They are afraid to bring the attack to our enemies in a way that will finally win this war because Obama doesn't want it that way. The best defense is a strong offense and the Generals know this. If any military leader goes against the Obama line he is promptly muted and removed. Our men are being sacrificed due the restrictions placed on them. There no rules in war only to win or go down in defeat! General Patten once said that we have to be meaner, stronger, tougher and more aggressive than the enemy if we are to win any war. When at war we must attack to win and not be hampered by any politician's stupid restraints. The way we are waging war in Iraq and Afghanistan is to waste our men and resources for nothing! "You are either with us or against us." There is no other way! We don't want any phony friends that take our money and shoot our men in the back! If not, "THEN WE MUST GET OUR MEN THE HELL OUT OF THERE NOW!"
Our latest shame is to let a pissy ass country like Pakistan push us around. They were blocking our supply convoys and telling us what to do. I say unblock that convoy by force if need be. It is high time that we start acting like we got a pair! (a great big pair!) The latest shame on our integrity is that we let the cowardly military government of Egypt hold our people hostage. Obama has given his Egyptian friends billions of our tax payer's money. This year over 1.5 billions.The people's revolution in Egypt seems to be a failure in spite of their immense sacrifices. It seems that we allow these pissy assed countries to kick us around at will. Where has our honor went and where is our leadership?
Our men are leaving Iraq now. This is just great. I hope they never go back! From now on if we have to fight there let it be with our drones!
And to hell with Pakistan! Pakistan is a real enemy and we should not give them another red cent! It is high time we know who our real friends are and who our real enemies are. 12/03/2011