As long as there are different races in this world there will always be racists, bigotry and constant turmoil and trouble in the USA and in this world. There is no getting around it. When people are different in almost every way it can't be helped or avoided. So what to do? Segregation may be the only answer. Why? If you can keep people within their own kind then they can only fight among themselves. Is this unworkable? May be yes, may be no.
The problem however, and always remains that the ones who are more backwards always wants what the more advanced have. For example, the Mexicans want a better life so they look towards the USA and want to come here in anyway they can. The government of Mexico, in spite of their constant protests , are now and always have been ruled similarly in ways of a fascist third world country. The Mexican people, because of their being used to hardship and being ruled by corrupt governments and their resigning nature have put up with this, but hopefully they will change.
The Mexican people have been controlled, taken advantage of, oppressed by the elite primarily pure Spanish class which is controlled by about 8 families who share and take turns running the government and in paying their dues and allegiance to the ruling drug cartels who allow them to stay in power and live their luxurious life style in sharp contrast to the common Mexican working class. What may be needed is another Mexican revolution. Throw the bums out. Viva la Mexico! Mexico for the people, not the drug gangs!
The drug gangs of Mexico control, corrupt, buy off or terrorize the government. The drug cartels are so rich and all powerful that they buy off or kill any honest member of the government, police or the Army. The United States share major blame in the drug war due to the millions of our citizens who are addicted, traffic in the illegal drug distribution and commit crimes to get money for their addiction. The way to put a stop to the illegal drug business is to make it legal with strict controls just we did when Prohibition was tried and failed in the USA. Then the drug gangs will have to look elsewhere for their source of business!
Many revolutions in Mexico's history have not changed much of anything. The only possible solution is a truly free and honest government for the people and by the people. (Sound familiar?). The natural resources that Mexico has if properly used and be directed towards the benefit of the people would put in time the country of Mexico on the equal footing of any free country in the world.Then may be we would be trying to go to Mexico and the flow of immigration might be reversed.This idea could be applied to any other country with enough resources.
The common people want what we have even though they may hate us because now we are trying to stop and control this illegal immense tide of illegal immigration in a more serious mode.
It is getting more difficult as time goes by and the universal ant-immigration feeling in the USA is getting stronger. We don't want anymore of the problems that this illegal immigration causes or even their cheap labor. So they come anyway maybe not really understanding that we don't want them here. This may sound cruel, but we have many new problems and are really fighting for our life and we don't need new problems!
The black race wants to be like us. They want to live where we live, emulate our way of life, go to our schools and even want to marry into our race. Some people believe that hundreds of years in the future, if there is a future, the human sapiens on this earth will be of one color and of one kind, a uniformed light tan color with slightly slanted eyes. Will this scenario if it occurs create peace in the world? I doubt it.
They like to become members of radical religious groups such as the Jehovah Witnesses that allow and even encourage inter-racial marriages among white and blacks. Yet they can't fit in and never will.
The black race originated in dark Africa and our scientists think that the beginnings of human kind started there eons ago. However, is an easily proven and obvious fact that the continent of Africa was lost in the dark pages of time for millions of years until the coming of the white man from western Europe who "civilized" Africa and colonized the whole continent.
Then when the white man left (or was thrown out, take your choice) Africa and gave it back to the Black race the same thing has happened. Since that time you can see what transpired. It has been a cauldron of hell, war, famine, poverty and diseases including the wide spread of Aids that may have originated in Africa. This terrible and incurable disease has spread and infected most of world ever since.
Millions have been infected and millions have died and many more will die. Millions of dollars and much effort by the civilized countries of the world have been spent trying alleviate the problems in Africa with very little results. One troubling worry is that of all the millions immigrating from the poor countries will they bring along with themselves the diseases that they may be infected with?