China is the REAL enemy. They are getting stronger and richer and we the fools that we are are getting weaker and poorer. While we worry about spending the necessary money to keep our military strong and ready instead we give our enemies our money, the Afghans, the Pakistanis and our so called friends the Egyptians and others. The very ones who really hate us and think we are the big fools to do so. The very ones who attacked us and killed over 3000 of our people during the 911 act of war. And what did we do about it? Practically nothing.
The Chinese spend a great amount of their resources on just the opposite, they strengthen and improve their military! Their military may soon be capable of winning in a show down with the USA because they are smarter and with a billion and a half population they could care less if they loose a few hundred million. If we were smarter than China then why isn't the economy reversed and we supply them with a lot of cheap goods instead of them supplying us with their cheap goods? China in a few years since the war (the beginning of World War Two and its conclusion) has become under the communist rule a great power in the world. They do not allow any decent. The welfare of their people comes in second place to their goal of world domination.
The good old American Brands are still here but with a “Made in China” label. The one big reason that this situation exits is the greed of big business. When it comes down to the welfare of the people or the almighty dollar guess who wins. It is not the people it is always big business! If we started making our own goods again that would go along way in resolving the economy and the employment problems. This also would help the massive debt problem by producing more revenue and income for the government. So what is the answer? We need good courageous honest leadership in our government and in our business leaders. It is high time that our elected members of congress start thinking about what is good for the people instead of what is good for them!
They, the Chinese, are so smart that one day when they think they have the obvious upper hand they will give us an ultimatum of either surrendering or face a total wipe out disaster. They might show us an example of their strength to do this first. Such as a demonstration of a very powerful weapon that we have no defense against. Of course they would prefer a peaceful take over. After all what good is a country that is a nuclear waste land. I suggest to the college students of today to take a good course in the Mandarin Chinese language to be prepared.
They are attacking everyday with thousands of cyber attacks on our Internet system. They are attacking our banks and businesses and stealing millions of dollars as well as our business and military secrets, this we know for sure. Our power plants and water works are not protected very well or our other sensitive areas protected sufficiently either.
Cyber war may indeed be the way the next war will be fought at least at the beginning then the real war may start with a massive nuclear attack. It may be relativity easy to shut down and damage our Internet system and all important government web sites as well. Our power grid and other critical websites are also vulnerable . Our military might be made helpless in this way if their internet wireless capabilities are shut down. We are almost helpless in preventing these kind of cyber attacks.
Why do you suppose we have had so many forest fires? If it isn't just because of the drought, lighting strikes or the temperature. You might say that it is our internal enemies, the idiots, the careless campers, the home grown terrorists or the al-queda terrorist organizations, but who do you think is supporting them either directly or in spirit? Think again it could be China. China is doing everything it can to hurt us and we don't even seem to notice. It is like the death of a thousand cuts. The last one will kill you.
We have to wake up before it is too late, but I think that the fools that we are it will be too late! However, if we somehow get the leadership we need with the courage and resolve to do what is necessary in spite of opposition from the bleeding heart liberals than we may have a chance. The world is no place for the weak, only the strong will survive.
If we had the right leadership in our government then this situation would never have come about. And if we had this good leadership the world would be in a much safer and better place.
Save The USA For veterans, for republicans, for democrats, Independents for all who love our country.