Religion gives comfort and hope to many, but is it a false hope? That may be all it can do for people. If so, then it does help the many and if they truly believe then they are at peace because they know what is going to happen or do they really? There are many prayers that ask for many things, but do they come true? There are probably over 800 Christian regions in the world and many other ones that are not Christian. Man has always turned to his religion when he was confused and afraid. When early man did not understand things he would say it's God's will and be satisfied with that. What else could he do? To be truly a believer one must not ask too many questions, because there no real answers. Oh, they will give you answers straight out of the bible, but for you to accept it, it must be on blind faith.
Don't ask questions that can not be answered. The ones who are not convinced will argue this way. "If God is all powerful and the bad things that have happen are the direct result of the Devil than why did not God strike down the Devil and there would have been no bad things happening in the world?" Then the true believers would abolish such talk with the reply that we must not question God's will or time table. In other words we should not think or reason and certainly not ask questions that have no real answers.
It is probably a sad fact that most if not all wars in history have been caused either by a direct result of religion or an indirect result of religion. Such as the Jihad against us by the Islamic Muslim faith and all the other "holy wars" down through history.
When the Jews were being led to the gas chamber by the Nazis they cried out, "If there is a God in heaven why does He allow this to happen?" Why indeed?
A final word on relgion. The Radical "regious " groups such as the Jehovah Wtnesses are a danger to our society like no others. Why? Because they are more like the worlds criminals than even the Christians they profess to be. This kind of controled region is a real danger to our very existance.

Does religion hold us captive? Are we too bound up with training from our early childhood?Can we still reason and think? I hope so. just watch this movie. "Zeitgeist: The Move" to the very end if you can!
Do you know what the greatest thing that is or ever was or ever will be? It is not religion or Jesus Christ, it is not your country, it is not your family, it is not your life, it is the sun! We can do without religion, we can do with out love, we can do without every thing, but the sun! Because without the sun we would dead. if the sun never came up the next day all of earth would freeze and we w
ould be dead!
The sun rises every morning bringing light and warmth. It brings energy to the plants and nourishment which makes the plants grow so that we have food. It causes the rain to come and water our plants and fill up our rivers and lakes so that we can have life giving food and water to drink. The sun brings all the energy to the earth. Without the sun there would be no life.
It is no wonder that man from the earliest times worshiped the sun. Because even then man knew that the sun was all powerful and was the bringer of all life. Then later (when man thought he was educated) man thought the sun revolved around the earth, but he soon realized this was wrong because as the sun rose in the morning he could sense the life giving warmth and he knew that it was not the earth doing this but the sun. So if you search down through time you will see why man had always worshiped the sun. The sun is the source of all life and it not the what you have learned in your religion!